Welcome to the insane world of Nigel Lewis, through NCL Studios. Through this blog you'll see all the projects I will be working on, including illustrations, comic book work, costume design and prop building.
If you are interested in a commission, please contact me.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Montreal Eve!!!

Packing everything up and it's road trip time!!!
Montreal Comic Con this weekend!!!
July 7 to 9
I'm at table 2231, come say hi and would you like my money!!!
If you say that....... "would you like my money" I will give you something free!!!
The challenge is on!!

Sunday, May 21, 2017


It's con time again!! July 7 to 9 will be Montreal Comic Con time!!!
Who's going? Who's there? What time? Where's the closest beer station??
All that and more!!!

You want a piece??? I can give you a piece...... of ART!!!
Email me... lets talk.
Till then!!

Time for something new!!

I've been getting into a little ink.

The Darth and his troopers

The Ghost of rider.

2 examples of the work I've done recently. More coming....